healing your heart can begin now.
Choose from the Brave Hearts Premier Heart Healing Program or a Heart-Centered Life Coaching package with Robin. Both are available online.
"Robin is a tsunami of love. I feel washed clean!"
- DEBI, Brave Hearts participant

Brave Hearts Program
Our 8 week online Healing Program can transform your life. It is built on 4 pillars and each part plays a critical role.
Each week you will have a private 50 minute healing session with Robin. She can meet you right where you are on your healing journey, but she will not leave you there. You will be lifted higher every week, supported and guided as you find your unique path to healing.
Each week the participants in the program come together over zoom to share what they are learning, and practice applying the principles together. The community of heart-based people quickly become friends and life-long support for each other.
Many people are ready to heal but don't know where to begin. The online education Robin provides will guide you step-by-step each week to lasting and transformational healing. The tools gained in the program can be applifed for a lifetime. You will feel empowered in your life.
Learning the principles and concepts alone that Robin shares will not change your life. Applying the principles is where you will see the transformation happen. Each week there is homework and action to take to create the change.