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Women and men are living with hearts that need healing. Take time to nurture and heal your heart with this transformative and innovative experience so you can live life more fully each day.


Before attending Bravehearts, people often describe their heart as being: 

Sad, tired, numb, broken, angry, hurt, heavy, disconnected, cold, guarded, and hesitant

When we ask them how their heart feels after BraveHearts, the most common responses are:


Empowered, hopeful, calm, whole, strong, expanded, free, healed, optimistic, light, full of joy!


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"If there is anything in your life you can't get passed, if there is sadness or sorrow you feel, or if there is a feeling of 'I can't do this any longer!' then RUN to this retreat.

It will change your life forever!!"


KRISTIN M, Mother of 4







A transformational 8 week program designed to heal your heart and change your life. It is based on four pillars:


This involves watching content online to gain knowledge, weekly healing sessions with Robin, community calls to share, learn and gain support, and weekly homework to take the steps needed to create change. Plan on 3 - 4 hours a week of your time to create the change in 8 weeks.


You will recieve a Bravehearts box with your manual and all the tools you need to be successful in the program. Weekly gifts will add some fun and support you in your transformation.


Robin will have  some content online available for participants to watch each week in the program.

Healing Process

The healing process will be custom designed for every individual that is in the program. Robin will work with you each week to take the next right step for you.

We will release trauma and pain and restore what has been lost. Once the healing is done, there is a world of new opportunities that will open up.

Robin is a master of creation and will support you to create the next level of transformation in your life and your relationships!


Bravehearts Revolution is an online 8-week program. You will take steps each week towards your healing with weekly private calls with Robin. There will be community activities to practice what you have learned. Robin will guide you step by step through your healing journey. You will feel empowered, connected, strong, full of light, and FREE when you are done!



Bravehearts is for: the broken-hearted.  

• Women and men who have courage to be vulnerable, who are looking for a support to learn, grow, and heal.

• Men and women who are ready to move forward in their life, past their pain and suffering.

• Women and men who have forgotten who they are and are ready to find themselves again.

• Men and women who have gone through betrayal or loss of any kind.

• Women and men who feel sad more than they would like to, or struggle with anxiety and depression. 

• Men and women who are ready to take responsibility for their emotions, their decisions, and their happiness.

• Women and men who are ready to reconnect to their power and create the life they were born to create. 



• People who don’t want to change and who aren’t ready to let go of their suffering.

• People who are not ready to move forward, and progress.

• People who want to hold on to being a victim.

• People who aren’t willing to address difficult experiences.

• People who expect results without effort.



In the safety and privacy of the Bravehearts program, you will find the courage to look at those parts of your heart and lives that deserve to be healed. Our heart is the most powerful part of who we are! When we shut down our heart or disconnect from our heart, we lose access to the most divine, and most powerful aspect of our being. Our heart is our greatest source of truth. Join the ranks of men and women who have chosen to be brave! Who have chosen to love again! Who have chosen to face their life's challenges head on and move through them into a place where they are free to love again. 



Book a free 45 minute call with Robin so you can discuss your individual goals for Bravehearts and create a custom healing blueprint for you. She will answer your questions about the Braveheart Experience and help you determine if the program is right for you!

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“ I love myself for the first time in 34 years.”

- TJ


"I am giving myself permission to dream again and open my heart to new possibilities. The gift that was restored to me is LOVE! Thank you for helping me see my own divinity!"



"My heart was heavy with deeply rooted pains of the past. I felt it was how my life was going to be. I had accepted the pain that was handed to me and thought it was my lot in life. Now my heart is open to possibilities and experiences! I collapsed a story that was scary and holding me back. It no longer has power over me. The tools I have learned will stay with me forever! I let go of the past and can create something new for my life!"



"My heart and my life were saved by this program! I didn't even know how broken I was and how much I needed this. I am now connected to a heart I left behind at 1 years old. I feel a connection that I cannot live without anymore...not one more minute! I came in skeptical and scared, trying to live a small, quiet life, and now I only want to live big and loud chasing my dreams!"



"My wife went through the Bravehearts program and the change she experienced was incredible. I wanted the same results in my life. I can't fully explain how it happened but I can tell you I found my power and confidence. My marriage is better because we are both happier. I made some changes at work that I haven't been able to make in years. This program has changed everything. I highly recommend it.



"I came to Bravehearts not knowing anything about the program or work that would be done and it has been AMAZING to release the anger and feel the LIGHT move in! Thank you from the bottom of my now open heart!"




“The biggest change I came away with is a remembrance of who I once was and what I now choose to be. I am not afraid to connect to, trust, and believe in myself again.”



"The life changes can't be described! The love and strength I gained at BraveHearts is worth so much more than the cost of the retreat. I will leave the things that no longer serve me and live with passion from my heart. My heart is light, open, warm and free to LOVE!”



"The biggest change I came away with was giving myself permission to want, to have, to be what my heart desires. To sincerely be grateful for my trials - I never thought in a million years I would be grateful for my trauma! My heart is now ON FIRE! It feels excited, encouraged, mended and whole. This was 100% LIFE CHANGING!"



"I feel safe to be a woman for the first time in my life."

- CM


"After my divorce, my heart felt saddened and heavy like a lost soul. Now I have found the true me, and the light that I am. This experience unlocked my heart to truth and love!"



"My wife and I had decided to get a divorce and signed up for Bravehearts so we could split amicably. The crazy thing was, once we were able to forgive each other, and let go of our own pain, we saw each other differently. We learned different ways to communicate, and how to bring love back into our marriage. We never did follow through with the divorce. Thank you Bravehearts for re-writing our story."



"I felt numb, empty, and completely hopeless before Bravehearts. I felt I was beyond help. Now my heart feels HOPE!! There is this spark in my soul that I haven't felt in a long, long, time. I feel confident in my ability to help myself move forward!"




"Robin is a true master of the heart! She turned this doubter...of being able to deeply connect to one's heart...into a TRUE BELIEVER!!!"



“I now have a renewed sense of self. Robin and her beautiful angels helped me break down walls and helped me walk into the light.”



"My marriage was rocky and counselling wasn't helping. My wife brought me into the Bravehearts program and I wasn't expecting the changes that happened. We learned a better way to resolve problems. We took needed steps to forgive. We were both able to own our own problems. The yelling has stopped in our home and I don't feel like I am walking on eggshells anymore. This program works if you are looking for change."



"I have awareness, tools and literally a change of heart that I have wanted but never thought possible. It changed my whole perception on how I've lived my life in the past and how I will create my future."



“My life is forever changed because of Bravehearts. It was a safe place to let go of something I had carried that blocked me from creating what I wanted of my life. It was truly transformational. I would recommend this to anyone who is ready to take major steps forward in life.”



"My life will be different now because I see myself and others in a new light. I know I am a co-creator with God and destined for greatness! I will see others through my heart, but more importantly, I will see myself through my heart! I see my greatness and will not lose sight of that again!"





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Women Practicing Yoga Outdoor
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When people who have gone through Bravehearts come back to share how their lives have changed, they talk about having more meaningful relationships, happier children, and the difference it has made in their home. They are stronger, more confident, and more connected to their strength, beauty and truth. They are living life with passion and purpose as they connect to their hearts for guidance. They have learned how to trust their heart and have learned how to be guided by the wisdom of their hearts.


Bravehearts is not a cure against life challenges. People share good and difficult things they have faced since Bravehearts. The powerful part of their stories is when they share how the tools they learned at BraveHearts helped them get through their trials and they come out stronger on the other side, instead of defeated. Bravehearts helps you gain the emotional resiliency needed for all of life's challenges.


The success of each person's experience at Bravehearts depends on the effort they put in. We have a proven process to find healing. The more you put into Bravehearts, the greater your results will be. Watch the video to hear past Bravehearts share their results in their own words!

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The heart is our divine connection and Robin is a Christian. We don't discuss religion but she will share things about God, Christ, angels and teachings from the Bible. If this is uncomfortable for you in any way, this may not be the right program for you. Thank you for understanding and honoring her faith.

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"I lost my husband just months before Bravehearts started. My heart was no longer with me. I had lost all feeling and I was shattered. Now my heart feels light, pure, bigger than ever before. It is ready to share love and acceptance with everyone. I feel peacefully strong. I have a renewed love for God. I will never be the same."







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