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Welcome EHC listeners! I am so excited to have you here. I hope you find something of value to help you on your journey to heal and strengthen your heart!

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Reaching Out to the Sun

Why it matters...

As The Heart Whisperer, I know that you want to live life with passion and purpose. In order to do that you need to live from your whole heart. The problem is, because of the pain and trauma of life, we often disconnect from our hearts, making us feel powerless, unfulfilled, and numb. I

understand what life feels like to live without a heart connection. My pain caused me to search for my own heart healing. I believe the difference between living life with or without a heart connection, is like shifting from living in a black and white world, to a world full of color. Because I have walked this path and found healing, I know there is hope for you too!


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It is so important that each of us understands the power of our own heart, know how to connect to our own heart, and learn to listen to the voice of the heart. In this beginner class, also known as Heart 101, you will be taught all this and more! There are principles you will learn, worksheets, meditations, real-life stories and so much to ponder about the heart! You can watch the 6 video segments on demand. Sign up today to better understand your heart! 

Want to talk to Robin in person about your heart and what your heart needs? Schedule a free 15 minute call here.

Want to talk to Robin in person about your heart and what your heart needs? Schedule a free 15 minute call here.

Join Robin for a free webinar about the power of Life Coaching

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